Synchron 2019

26th International Open Workshop on Synchronous Programming, Aussois, November 25-29 2019

26th International Open Workshop on Synchronous Programming

November 25th to 29th, 2019

Centre CNRS Paul Langevin, Aussois, France

The Open Synchron Workshop is the yearly meeting of experts and young researchers in the area of Synchronous Reactive Programming and neighboring topics (executable specifications, program analysis and abstraction, operational semantics and synchrony hypothesis, model-based design and formal methods, real-time aspects, virtual vs actual parallelism and implementation issues, dedicated architectures, time predictability, controler synthesis, etc.). The range of applications of reactive programming is also an active concern for the Synchron workshop (extending from control theory and transportation systems to sw/hw co-design to intelligent connected objects, cyber-physical systems and Internet of Things). Links from logical time/clocks and physical time in heterogeneous modeling, system-level design with description of software and abstract hardware layers that share representation styles, semantic foundation of hybrid and heterogeneous formalisms also form active research directions.

The genuine format of the Open Synchron Workshop makes it unique in the modern landscape: there is no preliminary paper selection, and authors may present their new work in next available slots, in a first-ask/first-served basis. While the audience typically comprise a number of people conducting log-time researchers on the topic, newcomers are more than welcome. The “cosy” seminar atmosphere created by the venue as a single housing location is an opportunity for informal discussions and exchanges between researchers of all kind of seniority and expertise in the field. Innovative contributions in blending reactive modeling and programming notions with neighboring research subjects and creative applicative domains, even at preliminary conceptual stages, will find here their attentioned audience.